Tips 💡 for Building a User-friendly e-shop
Nowadays online shopping has become essential and is constantly growing. If a customer visits any online shop and faces difficulties in viewing the desired products, even if the particular store offers attractive prices, he will prefer to make his purchases from another online store.
So, apart from the design, it is vital that your online store is user-friendly and easy to use, in order for them to use it with pleasure and make their purchases without difficulty.
In this article we will see some tips for building an easy-to-use e-shop.
Apart from the right structure and layout, it is very important that the e-shop has a fast loading speed and can be adapted to all devices as your largest buying audience will use their mobile to make a purchase.
Quick check-out
The moment of payment is perhaps the most important for an online store. The customer wants to complete their purchase and continue with their other activities. So the payment process should be as short and simple as possible, using only one page for payment and of course allowing the purchase without registration.
Search form
The search function consists mainly of online stores that have a wide range of products. With this form it is now easier to find any product without having to “scroll” for a long time to find what the customers are looking for.
Quick view of products
WooCommerce’s quick view feature is a nice addition for an online store as it allows the shopper to see the details of a product without being taken to another page.
Visitors need to feel that their data is safe in order to share their personal information and make purchases. Therefore, an HTTPs protocol should be activated at least for the purchase pages so that there is an encrypted exchange of information with the visitor.
Paths – Breadcrumbs
Breadcrumbs, also known as “paths”, highlight the user’s current location in an online store, making navigation easier. In addition, breadcrumbs can be used during the purchase process to inform the user of the number of steps they have completed and how much is left until their order is completed. Without the use of breadcrumbs, customers are not aware of the length of the purchase process and may become frustrated, possibly leaving the store during the purchase.
Additionally, by using breadcrumbs, customers have the ability to go back to the previous step and correct any mistakes (such as address information) they may have made, rather than starting the entire purchase process from scratch.
View Similar Products
Similar product display is a popular marketing strategy that aims to display products that are similar to what the user is currently viewing. These products may offer similar features or even improved functionality over the original product. For example, if a customer is looking for computer speakers, similar products will include suggestions for speakers with similar or even better features.
Hidden charges
Hidden charges are an event that consumers detest. For reasons of competition, some online stores display the lowest possible price of a product, while when the user reaches a stage before completing the order, they add additional charges (eg tax, shipping, etc.). To avoid unpleasant situations and misunderstandings, you should display all upcoming charges in a prominent place in your online store, as well as in the shopping cart.